Notify Me Meaning In Hindi. If you notice something, you. Notify = सूचना देना [ pr.

The word or phrase notified refers to inform (somebody) of something. An accusation of crime made by a grand jury on its own initiative.
Notify (Verb) = Inform (Somebody) Of Something.

See notified meaning in hindi, notified definition, translation and meaning of notified in hindi.
उदाहरण I Advised Him That The Rent Was Due.

Gazette, issue, print, show, enunciate, propagate, publish, utter, announce) प्रकाशित करना {v.t.} notify (also:
{ Suchana Dena } ] (Transitiveverb) Usage
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Suchana Dena ) Notify Definitions And Meaning In English.

Notify = सूचना देना [ pr.
To Tell Someone Officially About Something.

To notify word meaning with their sentences, usage, synonyms, antonyms, narrower meaning and related word meaning
Advise, Apprise, Apprize, Give Notice, Send Word.